Thursday, November 27, 2008

What a waggy life!

Last night on our way back home, my partner stopped near a bus stand where she had spotted this puppy earlier on in the day. Everyday she goes to feed a dog in the neighborhood . She asked me to bring out that little piece of chicken we picked up on our way for dinner.
There she was, this waggy little thing! She wasn't nervous at all instead, she kept jumping everywhere, scratched my legs and was just her crazy self. She's quite clearly been dumped in that phone booth, so we named her E.T. just for the night. She felt grimmy and was covered in ticks... Ughhhh!!!
It's been a long time since either of us have dealt with a puppy so it was all too much!
Anyway, since we did spot her, we couldn't just let her be on the road side on her own and it was too late to drop her off to any of these animal welfare places. My partner and I are really protective about girls maybe because females, in any form or shape, always have a hard time...

We always want to adopt a girl child but for now it'll have to be our a four-legged ones!

We decided to give her a safe night (although we have 5 dogs who would have loved to have her for dinner) in any corner of our house.

She was de-wormed, de-bugged, washed and blow dried and by the end of all the dirty gritty procedure, she looked like this...

After being fed and watered, she was also spotted enjoying what-would-have-been her first doggy chew!

She did make some crying noises in the night, after all she was stuck with 3 of our dogs who also shared the same space. I thought that might keep her quiet but she obviously had a voice! Who said dogs can't speak?

This morning we dropped her off to the animal welfare where she will be looked after, vaccined, sterilised and if luck is with her, she will be sent to a good home. She's a lovely little thing and I wish her a very happy life!

I believe that everyone comes with a pre-written destiny and i'm sure she has one of her own too...
Have a waggy one E.T. !

1 comment:

Firebolt said...

Wow! She really is so cute. You guys are very nice. My mom wouldn't have been very happy if a brought a dog home. Then again that would've been because I would've wanted to keep it. Now that I live in a hostel, keeping a dog is out of question. All I can do is keep wishin'...